A new era of robotic technology being developed by Hasegawa Group at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Called by SOINN (Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network), a robot this one already has the "brains" and allowed him to learn, think and react themselves.

In the demo, the robot is told to pour water into the glass, making the water turns cold and diberika to someone. The robot was programmed and will be a problem when the environment changes. This is where SOINN demonstrating how all the orders done in accordance with existing conditions. If at any time the SOINN do not know how to do something, just like us lately, SOINN will find information on the Internet. If the SOINN really do not know how to accomplish a given task then SOINN will speak that he did not know how. Simply SOINN expected to think like a man that can do everything with the existing situation and conditions.
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