Viper SmartStart - Start your car from virtually anywhere with your iPhone

  Once again, the reason why you should buy an iPhone is as a substitute for your car keys. Viper SmartStart is an iPhone application that can be used to unlock / lock the car door, opened the luggage, the panic button to start the engine.  ...

Avicos - Speaking interactive dashboard avatar could replace owner’s manuals

Audi in collaboration with Germany's Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM) developed a technology called the Avatar-based Virtual Co-driver System (AviCoS). AviCoS made ​​to work with existing monitoring systems in the Audi car called the Audi Mulitmedia...

Plugless Power getting ready for real - wireless Chevy Volt charging

  This time Plugless Power seems ready to make a wireless charging technology for all electric cars. Indeed Plugless Power itself is not new because it has many other manufacturers who make similar technology but there are some advantages possessed...

Mercedez safety tech "Anti-crash system"

Famous car manufacturer from Germany, Mercedes, has just launched a technology security standards that can predict the circumstances in the course via video and sensors in the car. Existing sensors can detect cars, pedestrians and bicycles around us...

If cars could talk then the accident rate could drop to 80%

Making cars can each "talk" to each other to avoid accidents is not the first time we hear, we also discuss the technology of the Ford here. Only technologies that can reduce these accidents are getting close to reality with the experiments carried...

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